Definition of SCI-FI inspired by the words of Arthur C. Clark
Science fiction is a situation, reality or element which could possibly happen based on contemporary science research and physical observation.
Therefore, we can say that everything that was SCI-FI and became a reality could be understood as POST SCI-FI. Still, It is not. POST SCI-FI would be more like the fusion between the two: REALITY and SCI-FI. Like fusion of present and future – the connection which is related to the speed of information and its gradation.
The term post sci-fi occurs when society realizes that sci-fi as such is outdated. This can often have its origins in the populist understanding of quantum theories. Like, every time we make a decision, energy is released that results in the emergence of another universe that is actually a decision. As if every decision is a big bang. This, of course, seems like nonsense in our dimension. And even more so in Macro it is difficult to imagine it at all. On the one hand, knowing several intertwining dimensions and the micro world, all this is not so clearly negative. This idea of an infinite number of universes in which every possible outcome of every possible choice that has ever been available. It is proposed by Oxford University Physicist David Deutsch. Prominent illustration would be the experiment with two lights passed by two slits. and forms interference pattern of waves on a back surface. (like throwing two stones in a pond and watching the concentric wave patterns interact, with crests and thoughts adding and subtracting from one another). The eerie part, when you send a single photon through the slit. It would behave in the same interference wave pattern even though there is no other photon to interact with. One explanation of this oddity is that the photon is interacting with photons from other universes!
Well, contemporary man becomes a sceptics and theoretically accepts that anything is possible because he is aware of the fact, there are things which are possible that are far beyond his imagination and everything proved by science not necessarily has to match the future reality. Moreover the science becomes a variety sets of methods by which it could be verified within itself. That’s deliciously recursive! And this declaration. “Until I see it with my own eyes,” seems outdated, when the eyes themselves are an imperfect organ. And reality is somehow a reflection of ourselves.
“For the term cyberculture itself evokes the union of something abstract and timeless – the sense of culture – with something embedded, time-based, and historically contextualised – the cyber-stratum. The present moment of technology´s interleaving within societal function, and with a clear preference for being encoded, the worlds of Gemeinschaft (community) and Gesellschaft (society) encapsulated as a single word, a summary formulation.”
Post science fiction is a moment in reality where we accept that science fiction is no longer valid, but rather we can taste other versions of reality that are happening in parallel with the version distributed to our brain by our imperfect organ, later it could be explained, still based on vary level of science cognition and vary level of intuition clarity.
Still the notion Sci-fi constitutes itself again and again within the age it is coming from. And every age would have new discoveries, which going to imaginary evolves to Sci-fi until the acceleration reaches its new level and our thoughts become materialised in the moment of thinking.
Meta is a prefix, which means transcendent. To be clear there are plenty of different meta, which actually aim to transcend everything around us and within us too. Meta would not be a parallel. Rather inevitable notion within the Post Sci-Fi notion. Even though the Post Sci-Fi would not be real until all thinkable notions will become meta. It transcends itself by itself. Within that context the metanoi is In Christian theology understood as “a transformative change of heart.
As the Greek mythology* suggests, within the meta state of existence there is no need for reproduction. Even just a single existence can spread through the realm of meta notion till eternity. The crucial point is, there is no reason for that, even. Everything happens during the exact same moment the meta is disambiguation, which is never linear within its action.
*In Greek mythology, Meta (Ancient Greek: Μήταν “beyond”) was the daughter of Hoples who became the first wife of Aegeus, king of Athens.[1] She bore no child to the king thus he married another woman named Chalciope, daughter of Rhexenor or Chalcodon, who also cannot give him heir to the throne. Eventually, the hero Theseus became Aegeus‘ first born by Aethra after Athenian ruler was made drunk by Pittheus, the maiden’s daughter. In other traditions Meta was called Mellite.[2]
Dwelling in the eternal moment there is no new, Look at this controversial fact from that side. The feeling of new the shot of dopamine which is steamed from. It is spread within a particular time-space, which exists apart from the definition. Within the Post-sci-fi era there exists an eternity within the temporality. The time-space disappears within a subjectivity although it exists within objectivity. Towards an infinite notion which exists in the position of triggers to mind’s activities.
actually, there occurs a question, if the body is needed or if it is even possible for the body to exist within no time-space
Another possible explanation of the appearance of Post Sci-Fi would be dwelling within the needs of the postindustrial generation….
The moment of merging humans into space….
In terms of cognition. It seems to me to be crucial to get rid of cognitive errors. The cognitive errors could be actually within its roots of our blockade towards „next step“. To point out a few of them: Anchor bias (you want to stick to your first estimate, or to what you have been told), Ease of representation (you think an explanation you can understand is more likely to be true than one you can’t), etc….
Kim Stanley Robinson sparkly adds to one Phenomenon of them – The Unwarranted Overconfidence. The graphic itself is a funny example of this phenomenon, in that it pretends to know how we think and what would be normal.